Thank you to all of our contributors

Everards of Leicestershire

Kazoo IT Solutions

East Midlands Chambers

Unique Window Systems

National Lottery Community Fund

Everything Branded

Healthy Minds Healthy Lives

Connect 4 Group

Lloyds Bank Foundation

Randal Charity

Community Foundation

Garment Workers

Getting help in neighborhoods

Independent Age

University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust

Gamble Aware
Are you looking to support a charity?
We appreciate all the support businesses dedicate to Shama. Your time, efforts and contributions keeps us moving in the right direction. We become one step closer to achieving our mission.
If you want to discuss how we can work together please contact us. Alternatively if you are looking to donate please see below.
Donate today
What distinguishes smaller businesses from larger corporations is how connected they are with the community. Donating can provide significant benefits for your business. Advantages such as good PR, increased employee involvement, demonstration of corporate social responsibility, customers connection to companies that give back, and further improve the brand image.