Getting Involved
Volunteers are an integral part of Shama Women’s Centre; in supporting the Centre in carrying out the work we do. Volunteering for example is a great way of gaining a rich and rewarding experience, skills as well making new friends.
It is also a stepping stone in to employment and as such our volunteers are supported through the Centres – Information, Advice and Guidance Service for instance to develop their CV and interviewing skills.
Do you have something to share? Are you bringing value to the community or you just want to make a difference? Find out what we’re up to and get involved.
Ways to volunteer
Tutor Support
Volunteers provide a valuable extension to the services an organisation already offers, and so the demand for volunteers is always high.

Ways to volunteer
Befriending provides people with a new direction, helps encourage and bring opportunities in their life. Help open up a range of activities that increase self-esteem and self confidence.
Ways to volunteer
Admin Support
Could put your skills to use in an environment that lets you do a bit of good? Volunteering your skill set means you’ll be working closely with a team of passionate and dedicated people.
Ways to volunteer
Events, Groups, Fundraising
A great way to get involved and support a community. You’ll be involved in collecting money, helping to organise events and build valuable relationships with local people.
Ways to volunteer
Social Media
Could put your skills to use in an environment that lets you do a bit of good? Volunteering your skill set means you’ll be working closely with a team of passionate and dedicated people.
Our process
If you are interested in volunteering then please complete a Volunteering Application form and email back to us.
Once the completed application has been received– the Volunteer Coordinator will contact you to arrange an informal chat to discuss your application.
As part of that process two references will followed up and if needed a DBS will be completed (pending the volunteer role).
Prior to starting volunteering – all volunteers are provided with a full induction.
Quick Links
Contact Volunteer Co-ordinator
(T) 0116 251 4747
(M) 07756 595 573